Rad Drew – The Magic of SnapSeed


Presentation Description:
I think for a potentially mixed audience of iPhone and Android users, the Magic of SnapSeed topic will be a good one that will be well received regardless of phone.

SnapSeed is one of the most powerful apps for processing images on mobile devices and it fits in the palm of your hand!
Photographer, Rad A. Drew, will share tips and tricks that you can use to edit and stylize your images using SnapSeed on your mobile phone.

What you’ll learn:

• You'll be introduced to the SnapSeed interface and the various tools for processing your images
• Rad's simple workflow for processing any image in SnapSeed
• How to use SnapSeed's hidden masking feature for eliminating noise in clouds and sky, and selectively sharpening parts of an image, such as the eyes in a portrait.
• How to use the masking feature to leave a splash of color in a B&W image.
• How to save your images to your camera roll, and in a form that will allow you to pick up editing where you left off.
• How to stylize your images with textures and filters for a vintage look.

Install SnapSeed. It’s free!

Install the free SnapSeed app on your iPhone or android phone prior to the presentation.

• Get SnapSeed for the iPhone at the App Store
• Get SnapSeed for the Android at the Play Store

Here is a bio and a headshot.

Teacher, photographer, and tour leader, Rad A. Drew, creates with the iPhone, mirrorless, and infrared cameras. Rad has presented at CCC meetings in the past, delivered workshops for the club, and was a presenter at the Rehoboth Beach Bash in 2019. He is a frequent contributor to PSA Journal, and was listed in PSA’s Who’s Who in Photography 2018. His creative images have been recognized internationally and exhibited in galleries around the world including SOHO Gallery and SOHO Arthaus in NYC, the L.A. Mobile Arts Festival, and Obscura Gallery, Melbourne, Australia. Rad is an associate editor for PhotoPXL.com, and the mobile art network, TheAppWhisperer. He is a contributor to The Art of iPhone Photography: Creating Great Photos and Art on Your iPhone, serves as a Topaz Labs Affiliate, and is known for his informative
How I Did It!™ video tutorials. See Rad’s work and tutorials on his website, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, and subscribe to his newsletter.

For information about upcoming photo tours with Rad in 2021 and 2022, visit his website.

Competition Meeting

Competition Meeting is at 6:30pm. Zoom will start at 6:00pm for socializing. NEW TIME