Making Great Bird Photos – Matt Klokowski


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Thank you for your interest in Matt’s “Making Great Bird Photos” live session.

Sony is co-sponsoring this event so you will need to sign up for a free account. This is free and doesn’t cost anything. Also, this will not be a sales pitch for Sony gear. Matt will be sharing techniques, settings and tips that work for any camera.

April 26: 6pm EDT:

You will be with other groups in these live workshops, but there will be a limit to the number of people, so the meeting still feels personal and Matt can answer all questions. We’re unable to accommodate specific group meeting dates and times. But since this is free, most groups use it as a meeting - or an “extra” value-added event for their members. The session allows your club to meet online with no special software or setup required on your end.
Hi all... I know many of you reading this are either a member of a camera club, Facebook photography group or maybe even an officer/moderator of a club.

Last year I did over 300 webinars for camera clubs around the world who weren't able to meet because of the pandemic. While things are returning to semi-normal in some places, most camera clubs still aren't meeting in person yet. So... I have a really fun idea that will allow your club to meet online for free with NO SPECIAL SOFTWARE OR SETUP REQUIRED ON YOUR END.

This time around I'm partnering with Sony to sponsor some group meetings (though the topic is NOT Sony specific). I have a list of dates and times to choose from (end of April and early May). Each event will be live and I'll be there to answer questions, and have a little fun while we're learning.

I won't go in to all of the details here. But please do me a big favor and:

Reply to this message for more details on the topic and how we can set something up - AND
Please include a ROUGH GUESS on how many people would attend (not how many are in your club) - OR -
Forward this email on to your camera club leadership, online group leader, or whoever and tell them they can reply to to get the ball rolling.
I realize that Camera Clubs are an essential way for many of you to talk about photography and photo editing, and that all of you are probably missing your meetings right now. So let's do something for your club in a way that's s