Caught in Motion with Steve & Nicole – Gettle Photography (REGISTRATION REQUIRED)


Caught in Motion – Photographing Action By: Steve Gettle

Want to learn how to go beyond simply making static portraits of your subjects? Technological advances have now made stop action photography accessible to virtually every photographer. This all new program starts off with using just your camera, natural light, and auto-focus for subjects on the move such as birds in flight and running animals. We will discuss special exposure techniques for action, acquiring initial focus-lock, tracking your subject, optimizing your auto focus, and the creative doors opened by adding a simple infrared trigger system and much more!

About Us
Steve and Nicole lead nature photography tours to exciting destinations around the world. They enjoy sharing their knowledge of the natural world and helping people capture amazing images of our planet. Steve has over 30 years of nature photography experience and has been recognized through numerous awards. These include being a multi-award winner of the BBC’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year and recognized in the prestigious Nature’s Best photography contest. His images are often featured in National Geographic and other nation-wide publications. Nicole has over 15 years of nature photography experience and enjoys discovering and sharing wild connections with others.

Steve Instagram: Nicole Instagram: