Assigned Pictorial Topics for 2024-2025

September 25th - Phone only:  original photo must have been taken with a cell phone.  There are no restrictions on subject matter or processing techniques.

October 23rd - Wrinkled:  subject matter must show distortions caused by nature/wear and tear.  Examples include soil, fabric, and skin, but are not limited to those.

November 20th - Natural abstract:  photo must be of a living subject and display a pattern as it exists in its natural state.  There are no hand of man or processing restrictions. 

December 18th - Nature with Hand-of-Man:  the opposite of “no hand of man”, examples might be images that include roads, a fisherman, a mountain hiker, non-native species.

January 22nd - Eyes:  the organ that receives light and visual images, found in humans and most animals.

February 26th - Musician(s):  those who make music: who perform, compose, conduct, arrange, and teach music, those who makes music.

March 26th - Triangle, Triangular:  Having three sides or three corners; creating the impression of a three-sided shape; a composition which places a group of three so it infers a triangular shape.

April 23rd - Mirrored Images:  a reflected duplication of an object that appears almost identical but is reversed in the direction.



For a pdf version of the assigned topics list for 2023-2024 Assigned Pictorial Topics Updated for 2024-2025 Season