Brief Description: The Wildlife Photography SIG is designed to help members improve their
skills in photographing wild animals, birds and or natural scenes, to share knowledge and experience, and to
have fun. Monthly outings will provide members an opportunity to photograph local wildlife
and share methods and techniques for capturing and producing great photographs.
Group Leader: Debbie Blair (adblair@comcast.net), Sharon Denny (sdenny@me.com), and Ken Arni (arniken1@verizon.net)
Prerequisites: A general knowledge of photography and basic knowledge of your camera’s functions and operation are necessary. Any camera and lens will do, but zoom
lenses and medium- to long-telephoto lenses will provide an advantage in capturing subjects.
Membership: Open only to CCC members who have an interest in wildlife photography.
To become a member of this SIG, contact Debbie Blair and advise her of your interest in joining
the group and provide her with your contact information (email and mobile number).
Membership in the group must be renewed annually in June. Currently, there are no
restrictions on the maximum number of members.
Meeting Schedule: Meet-ups will occur generally once per month in the Delmarva
area although special get-togethers may occur occasionally. Members will be notified of meet-
ups by email.
Expected Outcomes from meetings: The primary outcome of membership in this SIG should be an
improved ability to capture and produce photographs of birds and animals that are acceptable
for display and entry into competition. You will learn to improve your technical and
compositional skills for this genre of photography. Members are encouraged to post their
photographs on the group’s Facebook page.