Macro Photography
Group Leader: Rick Goldberg rgoldberg35@gmail.com
Cosby Payne cosbypayne@gmail.com
Prerequisite: Any CCC member who is interested in macro and close-up photography.
Membership: There are currently no restrictions on the size of this group.
To become a member of this SIG, contact Rick Goldberg rgoldberg35@gmail.com and advise him of your interest in joining the group and provide him with your contact information (email and phone number).
Special macro lenses are not essential but may be helpful for certain subjects. Magnifying filters, extension tubes and bellows can be used, but are not required. A Tripod and both Camera and/or Tripod mounted lighting is suggested but likewise not required. Investing in Adobe's Light room ($ 10.00 per month) is highly recommended but not a requirement. Understanding and using Post Processing software tools like Light room is essential to creating outstanding photographs at this point.
Unfortunately, the days of "as shot" photography are no longer the norm. It is also recommended you review the YouTube and other educational videos provided via email by the moderator. This is also not required but hopefully you will find it interesting and useful.
Location, day & times of meetings:
Meetings and/or photography field trips will be held monthly. Most events will be
within a fifty mile radius of Lewes. The focus of the meetings will be "group" sharing of technical and creative techniques, MACRO workshops, and educational presenters. The field trips will focus on opportunities to do both close up and macro photography.
The meeting dates and location will be published on CCC's (Events/Calendar page)Website as well as emailed to you.
Other: Thinking "outside of the box" a effort will be made to share this SIGs work on Social Media, the CLUBS website, and at Art Leagues, Galleries, Newspapers and Craft Shows with the Photographer's OK.
Expected Outcomes from meetings: Members will enjoy participating and learn various techniques for capturing, and creating outstanding close up and macro photographs.
To access our Facebook page click HERE.