Virtual Beach Bash 2025
The Coastal Camera Club is proud to share that we had a successful Beach Bash the weekend of February 22nd & February 23rd. Jackie Kramer and Tony Sweet provided us with informative and skill enhancing presentations. Jackie drew 312 attendees and Tony drew 277 attendees.
The presentations were recorded and sent to the registrants but we needed to take down the recordings due to them being forwarded to many outside the registrants list. We do need to protect the work of our presenters and in the future we hope that all registrants will understand this need.
We brought in more donations than previous years but our outlay was larger than previous years. We had a net of $61. These dollars along with donations from previous years will again be offered as a scholarship to a student(s) attending the Photography Imaging Associates Degree at Delaware Technical College. The next scholarship will be offered in the Fall of 2025 or the Spring of 2026.
The raffle for Jackie's 1.5 - 2.0 photoshop and lightroom on birds was offered to 3 individuals, all from outside the club. Tony Sweet's hard cover books were offered to 2 individuals, one from outside the club and the other to our wonderful Ken Arni. Congratulations Ken!!!!!
We appreciate your attendance and we hope you took away some information that will enhance your photography! We look forward to seeing you next year.